The North Vancouver Radio Controlled Flying Club has been in operation for more than 20 years, bringing together enthusiasts to explore the skies with the skill of their hands.
Club members came out on a recent sunny afternoon to show off their skills and share their enthusiasm for flying.
There’s an interesting mix of club members, said president Paul Cox, with young flyers taking off alongside veteran pilots in their 80s. The club's central purpose is to provide a safe and legal area for members to fly their model aircraft, mainly fixed-wing models that are controlled remotely by hand-held transmitters.
Club members have a wide range of skill as well, with some content to fly basic “laps” while others can do all sort of acrobatic flips and tricks with the model aircraft. They’re always keen to add new members, and are enjoying this fall flying season with the beautiful weather we’ve been having. They fly out of North Vancouver’s Inter River Park, and you can learn more on their website.