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North Van waives public hearing for proposed Mosquito Creek apartments

The proposal received minimal public feedback, but city staff expressed support

City of North Vancouver council are considering a plan to build a low-rise apartment building in Mosquito Creek without a public hearing.

At a regular meeting on Monday, council voted unanimously to forgo a public hearing for a five-storey project at 880 Marine Dr. by Jadasi Development, due to minimal public feedback.

While there will be no scheduled hearing at council, members of the public can still share their input at any point during the process by sending in written submissions or registering to speak at public input period during a regular meeting.

The building will include 41 residential rental units, with four of them being rented at mid-market rates for the lifespan of the building. To meet accessibility needs, 11 of the units will meet adaptable design standards. There will be three commercial units at ground level.

Currently, the address is home to a Fountain Tire shop. The proposed zoning amendment would change the site from a commercial (C-2) zone to a comprehensive development (CD-749) zone.

In a report submitted with the meeting’s agenda package, city staff said they received minimal public input about the project. Only two people attended a developer’s information session held last July. From the feedback received, support was expressed for the appearance of the building, and some concerns were raised about the removal of mature trees from the site, and the potential loss of animal habitat.

City staff noted that the current site doesn’t have any existing vegetation, and that trees within the city-owned boulevard will be replaced with new, larger trees.

The development also includes reconstruction of the frontage along West 115th Street and Marine Drive with the installation of a new sidewalk, curb and gutter, street trees, street lighting, road paving, and a new bus shelter.

“In addition to the bylaw required works, the development will design and construct a public plaza adjacent to the site, and also provide a $50,000 financial contribution for the future upgrade of sanitary sewer infrastructure in the local catchment area, which is currently undersized,” reads the report.

While council offered no comments at Monday’s meeting, a conclusion in the report shows staff support for the project.

“This proposal is in alignment with goals and objectives of the [official community plan] and council strategic plan to intensify residential development within the Marine Drive frequent transit development area, and increase rental and mid-market units in the city,” reads the report. “The project will also contribute to provision of new public gathering spaces along Marine Drive.”

Last year, council green lit a nearby six-storey mixed-use building at 818-858 West 15th St., and a four-storey residential/commercial building at 800 Marine Dr.

The proposal is set to come back to council for three readings, followed by final reading and adoption, for it to be approved.

Correction (March 30, 3:15 p.m.): A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that the apartment project at 880 Marine Dr. had been approved. At the meeting, council voted to consider the bylaw amendments without a public hearing.

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