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Community bulletin board

Kitten and Cat Adoptions: The Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association will hold an adoption event Feb. 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at PetSmart, 1325 Main St., North Van. To start the adoption process in advance of this event, apply online at www.

Kitten and Cat Adoptions: The Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association will hold an adoption event Feb. 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at PetSmart, 1325 Main St., North Van. To start the adoption process in advance of this event, apply online at

24 Hours of Winter: Grouse Mountain will keep the Olympic spirit alive on Feb. 12 in honour of the 2010 Winter Olympics anniversary with regular winter activities and special events that include junior pond hockey and outdoor movies. Info: www.

Litigation Lecture: Barristers and solicitors Hobbs Giroday will present a free lecture on medical malpractice Monday, Feb. 13, 7-8: 30 p.m. at West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Dr.

Secrets of Honeymoons Revealed: As part of Capilano University's "Capilano Universe" lecture series, Kris and Richard Bulcroft will take a look at the custom of honeymooning Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7-8: 45 p.m. at West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Dr. Info:

Email information for your nonprofit, by donation or nominal fee event to [email protected]. To post to our online listings, go to scroll to Community Events and click on Add Your Event.