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CapU names new head

Ken Haycock has been appointed chancellor-elect of Capilano University and will become the school's second chancellor since its designation as a university in 2008.
CapU names new head

Ken Haycock has been appointed chancellor-elect of Capilano University and will become the school's second chancellor since its designation as a university in 2008.

He will succeed Peter Ufford who served as Capilano University's inaugural chancellor and will assume his duties at convocation on June 2, 2014, according to a press release.

Haycock is an internationally acclaimed educator, mentor, and consultant and a leading Canadian educator in library and information science.

He is currently research professor of management and organization at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, where he co-ordinates graduate programs in library and information management. He is also adjunct professor at Australia's Queensland University of Technology, professor emeritus and former director at San Jose School of Library and Information Science, and at the University of British Columbia School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. Haycock has served on numerous scholarly, professional and community-based committees and boards including as an elected trustee and chair of the West Vancouver School Board, municipal councillor, and as the current chair of the West Vancouver Arts Centre

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