Being cool is a full-time job, and Josh Loewen wants to make sure you know he's the person in Vancouver doing it best--or else he's just having some fun with us.
Either way, this self-proclaimed "cool person" has ensured his name will pop up in Google if you type this: "who is the coolest person in Vancouver?" However, you will likely have to use quotes around the question in order to pull up his website in the search results.
And this isn't the first time Loewen has appeared on Vancouver Is Awesome, either. In fact, this will mark the fourth time the Vancouverite's name has appeared on our publication--and for wildly different reasons.
Hilarious interpretation of a Metro Vancouver map
First, the Vancouver creator appeared on V.I.A. for a shirt he designed for Stop Podcasting Yourself back in 2011.
Next, on the first day of 2021, an image he drew of a bizarre creature-man on a map of the Metro Vancouver region went viral.
It's difficult to say exactly what the drawing is supposed to be, but a few people commented that the man's face looks like a number of celebrities including Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, Guy Fieri, and even Ron Jeremy.
Following the initial story, Loewen revealed his identity with V.I.A. in a follow-up story where he said the inspiration for the drawing came from something similar on Reddit for another country.
"I took a look at the map of Vancouver and thought, "Damn, is that a horse dude?" It came out of being dreadfully bored over the holidays due to being locked inside," he explained.
"The coolest person in Vancouver."
Google "the coolest person in Vancouver". Let me know what you see.
— Josh Loewen (@joshtastic) March 1, 2021
Loewen was an artist for many years but now he runs a digital marketing agency called The Status Bureau in Gastown--and he's also "coolest person in Vancouver"--at least according to Google's search results.
When you land on The Status Bureau's website, the first thing you'll read is this: "My name is Josh Loewen and I am the coolest person in Vancouver."
Underneath his bold proclamation, Loewen warns, "Please continue reading if you’re prepared for how cool things can get."
Next, Loewen reveals several of his "coolness factors" that include everything from sensible pants to getting to bed early to SEO (search engine optimization) "for fun."
The impossibly cool Vancouverite also complied data to support his coolness statements and plotted them onto this nifty graph. "There is an indisputable increase in coolness over time," he quips.

Want to be as cool as Loewen?
Loewen also offers an eight-step program that can make you one of the coolest cats living in or visiting Vancouver.