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The Weather Networks calls for shift in B.C. weather this February

Find out what the February forecast has in store for the province.

The Weather Network says Western Canada may see a shift from colder weather this month in B.C.

While the first couple days of the month started off chilly in Metro Vancouver, with some arctic air moving into the region, milder air is expected to move into the region next week. 

In its February forecast, The Weather Network notes that right now the month is seeing a pattern that looks "very different" from the past few weeks. Currently, overnight lows have dipped below the freezing mark.

"Arctic air has returned to Western Canada and milder air is surging north from the Great Lakes to the Maritimes."

But the forecast highlights how the first two days of the month are somewhat of an anomaly on the West Coast, while the past three weeks saw significantly warmer weather.

The cold weather is not expected to last, however.

"The Arctic air is on the move and will very quickly bring a return to harsh mid-winter conditions to areas that have been cold for the past three weeks. Meanwhile, milder weather will return to Western Canada," explains the report.

The Weather Network expects more "quick changes" in weather patterns for the rest of the month, too.

And while the report notes that it is "difficult to draw up a forecast map for a month that will feature such a temperature roller-coaster across much of the country," meteorologists expect temperatures to sit on the warm side of the seasonal average across B.C.

Environment Canada meteorologist Doug Lundquist told Vancouver Is Awesome in a previous interview that Metro Vancouver typically only sees one period of truly cold winter and that there are usually only one to three arctic air events per year. Moving forward, the region could have another cold-weather event in February or March; he doesn't see any extreme cold moving into the region in the 10-day forecast. 

But arctic air that moves into the Lower Mainland in February or March won't be as cold as the temperatures the region saw in December, he emphasized. "That is impossible." 

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