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Letter: North Shore residents should be upping wildfire preparation tactics

If the fires that ravaged Lytton and Jasper were here on the North Shore, how protected would we be?
Local rescue teams have been preparing for a rough wildfire season with mock exercises, but are its residents prepared? | Nick Laba / North Shore News

Dear Editor,

Are we on the North Shore in a state of subliminal denial?

We have watched recently devastating fires in Lahaina, Jasper, Lytton and Kelowna, and express great sympathy of course, but what about our own exposure to fires?

How many trees are there within 15 miles of the Lions Gate Bridge? Would it be 500,000, 1 million, 5 million? What about the dry underbrush? What would be the devastation for the 200,000 plus North Shore residents if we have a long dry spell, and high winds and out of control fires?

I have spoken to 30 or so residents of the North Shore in the last couple of months and asked them what steps they have taken to proactively protect their property, whether we have fire alarm sirens for the North Shore, what are the planned escaped routes and when and how “to run”.

The silence in every case was deafening. It is abundantly clear that fire protection awareness on the North Shore is minimal and we should all be greatly improving our knowledge and asking our elected officials to immediately raise public awareness.

Beyond awareness should we be demanding that we have far better fire fighting infrastructure, fire breaks and fire equipment?

This is a catastrophe waiting to happen, but it can be averted!

Dan Walsh,
North Vancouver

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