Calling all hikers and mountain bikers – it’s time to celebrate our love for British Columbia’s vast and wonderful trails by rolling up our sleeves and helping to maintain them.
Today (June 5) outdoor recreation groups all across British Columbia will be uniting for the first-ever BC Trails Day. The new celebration, which is part of international Trails Day worldwide, is dedicated to celebrating and caring for B.C.’s trail system.
Given the foot-traffic trails have had during the past year, the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC decided it was time for trail users to return the love.
“Over the past year, British Columbians have turned to community trails and green spaces to stay healthy and to boost their connection to nature and community,” Louise Pedersen, executive director of the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC, said.
“There are more recreation users on the trails than ever, and that means more wear and tear.”
Today, outdoor groups and community members are being encouraged to host local COVID-safe events, ranging from recreational outings, trail stewardship projects or virtual events, such as online workshops, to spread awareness and give back to the trails we all love and use.
“While it has been great to see a significant growth in trail usage over the past year, it also increases the need for additional trail maintenance,'' Trevor Ferrao, executive director of Whistler Off-Road Cycling Association, said, adding that the group was more than happy to take part in the inaugural event.
“Keeping the trails clean and safe for outdoor enthusiasts takes a tremendous amount of volunteer effort, and two of the best ways people can help BC’s trails is to support their local outdoor groups by joining a trail maintenance event and becoming a member.”
Damyn Libby from Trail Society of BC said the BC Trails Day is also a great opportunity for people to just get outside and connect with the outdoors by rolling, walking, or cycling the trails and pathways available in their areas.
"This is also an important moment for reflection, as we contemplate the work that needs to be done to decolonize outdoor recreation and make it a more inclusive and safe environment for all, especially Indigenous peoples," he said.
Pedersen said events had been planned in 20 communities across B.C. but if you couldn’t find one in your area, there wasn’t any reason why you couldn’t celebrate BC Trails Day in your on way with friends.
"If you are unable to participate in an organized event this weekend, hit the trails on your own,” she said.
“Pack a small garbage bag and some gloves with you and pick up any trash you may see on the trail. This helps keep local trails clean and safe for other outdoor users and the wildlife that live nearby."
ORCBC is hoping the day will help educate people about responsible recreation and help inspire more British Columbians to get out and enjoy trails and outdoor spaces.
Here are some suggestions from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC on how you can celebrate BC Trails Day on your own, with your family or friends:
● Go for a walk, ride, or paddle and have fun. If you're taking any four-legged friends along, don't forget a leash and waste bags.
● Pack a small garbage bag and some gloves with you, and pick up any trash you may see on the trail. This helps keep trails clean and safe for other users and the wildlife who live nearby.
● If you're able to maintain proper social distancing from others (staying at least 6-feet apart), invite a friend who's new to experiencing the outdoors or your preferred outdoor activity. By being a guide, you can help grow the outdoor community by connecting new people to the trails.
● Show support for your favourite trails by joining a local trail group. Your membership will contribute to trail maintenance and advocacy for your community's trail systems.
Head to the ORCBC website for more information about BC Trails Day, including a calendar of events.
Those who take part are encouraged to tag #BCTrailsDay on social media for a chance to win prizes.